Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Why is Insomniac Games' 'Sunset Overdrive' exclusive to Xbox One?

Insomniac Games, who’s made their claim to fame with many Sony exclusives such as Ratchet and Clank and Resistance, is creating Sunset Overdrive, which is exclusive to the Xbox One. So why’s the company all of a sudden buddy-buddy with Microsoft when they’ve thrived under the other?

The developer’s CEO, Ted Price, explained to Game Revolution that while they have had many games for PlayStation hardware, they want to put out their games on the most logical place.

The studio his has a great relationship with Sony and has every intention of remaining independent. "We’re still an independent developer," Price added. "Why do I mention that? First, a lot of people assume that we’re part of some larger organization; that’s never been the case. Second, one of the benefits of operating as an independent studio and creating and owning one’s IP is that you can develop for the platforms that make the most sense for the game."

Basically, Price is pointing to SO’’s multiplayer mode. It’s no secret that the Xbox 360 is better than the PS3 in terms of a multiplayer community. Plus, there’s more resources that Insomniac can use, which Price iterates that “Microsoft’s muscle on the platform and Xbox Live fronts has been invaluable in helping us create a unique multiplayer experience.” If any game is going to be based around multiplayer, or it’s at least the key focus, then it will probably be better on Microsoft’s hardware.

Insomniac will try to improve on its open world formula with SO after not receiving much praise for Fuse. It wasn’t a failure, but it was regarded as an Overstrike clone and very dull and generic.

Photo H/T: Insomniac Games

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